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    About Us

Malealea Lodge "The Gateway to Lesotho"

Malealea Lodge is nestled in the Makhomalong Valley and surrounded by the beautiful Maloti Mountains. Malealea Lodge dates back to 1905 when it was established as a Trading Post by Mervyn Bosworth Smith. Educated at Oxford, this charismatic, colonial character fought in both the Anglo Boer and First World Wars. He fell in love with Basutoland and lived there for over 40 years.

The small village at Malealea developed around the Trading Store, and since Mervyn's death in 1950, the latter changed hands several times. Mick and Di Jones bought Malealea Lodge in 1986, back when it was a trading post with a mere few beds. Since then, it has grown into a solar-powered 90-bed complex famous for pony trekking & mountain biking. Di has retired to Clarens and runs a guesthouse - Clarens Butterfly Beds.

Sadly Mick passed away in January 2020, followed by his granddaughter, our Precious Gem who left us in 2021 at the age of 13. 

Read Gemma's Blog

Read Family Deutschmann Lesotho Lockdown Series

The next generation are now involved with running the lodge.