• Mountain Biking
    Mountain Biking

Lesotho Mountain Biking

For many visitors, mountain biking through Malealea’s valleys and trails is the most exhilarating activity we offer. Riders return from their adventures with glowing smiles, flushed cheeks, and tales of conquering Lesotho’s rugged beauty—if sometimes with slightly wobbly knees! Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a casual rider, we have routes to suit all skill levels—from comfortable rides to extreme challenges.

Mountain biking here is as challenging as it is rewarding. While the thrill of coasting downhill is unmatched, remember: what goes down must come up. The climbs back can test your endurance, but there’s no shame in hopping off to walk your bike when the pedals refuse to budge.

Our expert biking guide, Ntate Tsoeunyane, will help ensure your ride is both enjoyable and safe.

Ntate Tsoeunyane has been biking since the age of 10, when his friends helped push him onto hs first bike. Today, he’s a seasoned rider who knows every trail in Malealea like the back of his hand. As head of our mountain biking program, he tailors rides to each visitor’s fitness level and goals, making sure everyone leaves with incredible memories.

Fun fact: Ntate Tsoeunyane also runs a side business as a portrait photographer, so feel free to ask for a picture with your bike!



Pitseng Plateau (8.2 km)



This trail follows the contours of the Pitseng gorge. Single track and jeep track trails make up the route passing through remote villages.  A nice start to MTB trails with the feeling that you’re flying at the top of the gorge.

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the road for 300m to the clinic on your right before taking the single track left. Follow this track over the hill and down towards the top of the Pitseng gorge. From here follow the bridal/cattle tracks along the edge of the escarpment and around to Ha Majane village before returning to Malealea Lodge via the jeep track.

Off your bike 

Enjoy the majestic views over the Pitseng gorge down to the Makhaleng River in the distance.

  • Distance         8.2 km
  • Grading          Moderate
  • Duration         1 hour

Gates of Paradise Challenge (14.9 km)

Trail destination     

This track is along the gravel road that leads to Malealea Lodge and passes over the Gates of Paradise Pass.


“Wayfarer pause, and look upon the gateway of paradise” are the words of the founder of Malalea trading station. Go and see why!

On your bike   

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the gravel road all the way back to the Gates of Paradise Pass. 5 km of climbing will get you there before a 2 km descent takes you to the tar road. Now turn around and do it in reverse.

Off your bike   

Pause a moment at the pass, take in the magnificence of the valley before you and dream of all the MTB trails to come!

  • Distance           14.9 km
  • Grading            Easy - Moderate
  • Duration           1-1.5hrs

Waterfall Wonder (28 km)

Trail destination             

Follow rolling hills to the top of the 40m Botsoela waterfall. Option to leave your bikes at the top and hike to the base of the falls for a swim.


Cycling along a good gravel road this is an easy ride. However, there is a long climb up from the waterfall.

On your bike                  

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the road towards the Gates of Paradise pass. After 3km fork right and follow this road through remote villages. After 11km turn right and descend the mini Sani Pass (beware the sharp hairpins) to the cement bridge. You are now above the Botsoela waterfall. Return via the same route.

Off your bike                  

Keeping the Botsoela river on your left walk downstream until the waterfall reveals itself to you. Take in the sight of the twin waterfall. If you prefer a swim leave your bike at the top with a local herdboy and keeping the river on your right from the road descend to the base of the waterfall for a refreshing swim.

  • Distance                           28 km
  • Grading                            Moderate
  • Duration                           2-3 hours

Malealea Monster (25km)

Trail destination     

This trail takes you down to the Makhaleng River before an epic climb back to Malealea Lodge. Used as the Malealea Monster ½ Marathon MTB race in 2013.


If technical downhills are your thing then this is the trail for you. Remember though, what goes down…

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the directions for the Pitseng Plateau ride. At Ha Majane village instead of turning left towards Malealea turn right and welcome to some technical single track. Pass through Ha Patela village and follow the jeep track keeping the Makhaleng River on your left. Swim if you like. Cross the green footbridge and make your way to the main road. From here you climb and climb and climb! When you reach Ha Qaba (Frasers Store) turn in the gates and follow the jeep track across the valley to the road back to Malealea.

Off your bike 

Majestic scenery, domestic animals, friendly villagers, refreshing river swim, Bald Ibis sightings.

  • Distance          25 km
  • Grading          Technical , Moderate
  • Duration         3 hours

Malealea Monster (55km)

Malealea Monster 2013 - (65 km)

Trail destination     

This trail follows the route of the Malealea Monster 2013 MTB race which was voted the best yet so far in terms of technicality, beauty and difficulty.


If you enjoy long climbs and technical descents then this is the ride for you.

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the directions for the Malealea Monster ½. At the main road turn left and cross the Makhaleng River before turning right and climbing for 3km. This is long and tough. Once up then follow the road for 8km before turning off the main road and following amazing single track through remote villages. This loops until you join a jeep track at Ha Mathabang school. Follow the jeep track back to the main road before descending to the Makhaleng River. From here it’s a climb out of the valley before a jeep track at Ha Qaba brings you back at on the Gates of Paradise road to Malealea.

Off your bike  -

  • Distance         65 km
  • Grading          Moderate – Difficult (good fitness required)
  • Duration         4-7 hours

Malealea Monster 2012 (62 km)

Trail destination     

This trails follows the route of the Malealea Monster MTB race held in 2012.


A great day out on the bicycle.

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the directions for the Waterfall Wonder. At Botsoela waterfall continue up the road and climb all the way to the saddle where you have views over both valleys. Follow the road until the 33km sign. Turn left and follow the road to the tar where you will descend to Ha Makhakhe village. Turn left after the Frasers store and follow the contour of the mountain to the Gates of Paradise pass to Malealea.

Off your bike 

Enjoy the peace and tranquility whilst watching people go about their daily lives.

  • Distance          62 km
  • Grading          Moderate
  • Duration         4-6 hours

Malealea Monster 2012 - Extreme (69 km)

Trail destination     

This trails follows the route of the Malealea Monster MTB race held in 2012 with an extension if you’re still feeling strong.


This trail has all you wish for in a day out on the bicycle.

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the directions for the Waterfall Wonder. At Botsoela waterfall continue up the road and climb all the way to the saddle where you have views over both valleys. Follow the road until the 33km sign. Turn left and follow the road to the tar where you will descend to Ha Makhakhe village. Turn left after the Frasers store and follow the contour of the mountain to the Gates of Paradise pass to Malealea. Upon reaching the turn to Malealea follow the road to the tar, turn left and proceed to Ha Qaba (Frasers Store) before returning to Malealea via the jeep track.

Off your bike 

Enjoy the peace and tranquility whilst watching people go about their daily lives.

Distance          69 km

Grading          Moderate - Difficult (Good fitness required)

Duration         5-7 hours

Malealea - Ha Patela - Ribaneng (49 km)

Trail destination     

This trail takes you down to the Makhaleng River and along the Ribaneng valley. You then return down an amazing single track before a porterage section gets you back to Malealea. An extended option can skip the porterage section with a longer ride.


A great day out to experience the sights and sounds of rural Basotho life.

On your bike 

Starting at Malealea Lodge follow the road towards the Gates of Paradise Pass. 5 km up the road take the jeep track at Matebele Café towards Ha Qaba across the valley. Join the road again and enjoy the downhill to the Makhaleng River. After the bridge turn left and stay on this road for 20 km before another descent takes you to the Ribaneng River. From here you climb for 2km before taking a single track/jeep track to another amazing technical descent. After wading across the Makhaleng a 20 min porterage section will get you back to Malealea.

Off your bike 

Majestic scenery, domestic animals, friendly villagers, refreshing river swim, Bald Ibis sightings, amazing technical descent.

  • Distance          49 km
  • Grading          Technical , Moderate
  • Duration         4-6 hours

Matsieng - Malealea (65km)

Trail destination     

This trails follows the route of the Malealea Monster MTB race held in 2011.


Stunningly beautiful this trail showcases rural life and the beauty of the region.

On your bike 

Starting at Matsieng (the traditional palace of the Lesotho Royal Family) the trail climbs the Don’t Cough Pass which is steep and long. Once ascended a jeep track will lead you through rolling fields and past remote villages until descending to a school via a technical descent. The track then changes to single track as you cross a few streams before making your way to the main road. Turn left and follow the road for 2km to the halfway marker signposted Malealea 33km. From here it’s gravel road with a big climb out from the Botsoela waterall. Keep something in the legs.

Off your bike 

Glimpse the Royal Palace as you start the climb. Then enjoy the scenery, trails and friendly folk along the way.

  • Distance          65 km
  • Grading          Moderate – Difficult (Good fitness required)
  • Duration         5-7 hours
